Everything in the following list can be accomplished in as little as five minutes. Simply look at the following list that make the most sense for this orphanage lifestyle.

07.00 a.m : Wake Up
07.15 a.m : Shower
07.30 a.m : Prayer Training
08.00 a.m : Reading Session
09.30 a.m : Breakfast
10.00 a.m : Class Started
11.30 a.m : Break Time & Free Time
12.30 p.m : Lunch
13.30 p.m : Prayer Training
14.30 p.m : Reading Session
15.30 p.m : Break Time
16.30 p.m : Tea Time
17.30 p.m : Sports & Fun Activities
18.30 p.m : Dinner
19.30 p.m : Prayer Training
20.30 p.m : Tuition Class
21.30 p.m : Break Time
22.30 p.m : Get a rest